The CMMI Cyber maturity Model Certification Framework
ISACA's CMMI (R) Cyber maturity Model Certification (CMMC) is a global standard that evaluates a company's cyber maturity. It is a framework that looks beyond a business' technical preparedness to assess its people, process, and technology. It enables companies to understand their vulnerabilities, identify areas of remediation, and outline cyber capabilities that need board attention. The results of a CMMC assessment provide a comprehensive picture of a company's cybersecurity readiness, and help businesses turn their information security risks into a competitive advantage. The CMMC uses a risk-based framework to help organizations develop a cyber strategy that incorporates the latest in technology, people, and process. Using a risk-based approach helps organizations develop a more comprehensive view of their current capabilities and strategic objectives. CMMC has been used by organizations large and small to measure their cybersecurity readiness. It is available on t...